You’ve probably dreamed about having a threesome at least once in your life, whether you’re a guy or a woman. We typically think of threesomes as a luxury reserved for bisexual singles who spend hours browsing through their online dating feeds looking for men and women ready to join them. Threesomes, however, can be explored by anyone, including those in a love relationship! We’ll look at threesomes in this post with the presumption that you are currently in a relationship. Is it likely that my partner will want to have fun with a stranger we met on an online dating platform? Is this really going to help our bisexual couple? What are the potential dangers? Let’s investigate!
The Threesome’s Fantasy
People of all ages, regardless of gender, fantasize about having a threesome. Unsurprisingly, 95% of males have dreamt about having a threesome, but did you know that 87 percent of women have had similar fantasies? The concept of having two partners rather than one appeals to many people, especially those bisexual couples who have been in a long-term monogamous relationship. Specialized services make it easier to find a bi threesome because people go there specifically for it. The thought of a threesome is undeniably alluring. Because the thought of a threesome is alluring, it pays to find online services that are widely trusted.
The biggest issue with bi threesomes isn’t locating one, but rather having one! When it comes to threesomes, expectations vary greatly, therefore your own expectations may differ significantly from those of your partners. This is why having a threesome with the right people is so vital. If you make the wrong decision, the encounter might not live up to your expectations, or worse, it might even wreck your current relationship! You should go over the “do’s” and “don’ts” with your partner in addition to picking a compatible third person. Surprisingly, it’s not sexual activities that get under your partner’s skin; rather, it’s acts that could be perceived as “affectionate.”
Two Things to Consider When Looking for a Bi Threesome
The phrase “unicorn” is frequently used to describe a bisexual woman who is open to having a threesome, but it can also refer to any single bisexual person or bisexual couple who is open to having a threesome. Of course, they, like fabled creatures, can be exceedingly difficult to locate, so here are a few pointers to assist you in your hunt.
First Bisexual Tip
Talk it over with your partner. You two should discuss your expectations for the trio. Before starting your hunt, you should both be informed of the other party’s sexual position preferences, as well as the “Do’s” and “Don’ts.” It’s also worth talking about sex toys, which may be a lot of fun when combined with a threesome.
Second Bisexual Tip
Create guidelines for your unicorn. You can assess if a person is a suitable match (even if your partner isn’t present at the time!) by creating partner criteria ahead of time. If you meet someone who you think might make a wonderful threesome partner while out and about, you can bring them back without worrying about your partner rejecting the notion.
Why Would a Couple Want to Find a Threesome on a Dating Site?
Time having fun with your spouse might be enjoyable, it can also become tedious after a while. When bisexual couples run out of fresh things to try in the bedroom, they often explore threesomes to “spice up” their relationship. You might imagine that threesomes appeal to younger individuals, however, threeways are most appealing to married couples aged 40 to 60! Although it is not considered a “typical” pastime, having a third partner can help preserve a relationship that is otherwise failing. Threesomes are an excellent alternative to infidelity since they allow you to explore your sexual desires without breaking your partner’s confidence. Additionally, it is an experience that you may share as a couple.
Including a third person allows you to explore other sexual fantasies you may have. The degree to which acting out these desires is realistic will be determined by your partner’s own limitations as well as the third person you bring into the mix, but you can increase your chances of fulfilling any fantasies by discussing them with your spouse ahead of time. They will almost certainly have fantasies of their own, which may complement or contradict your own. You may set expectations for the encounter by discussing them before you discover your third partner as a couple looking for a male or female on a bisexual dating site, which will result in a better (and more sexually rewarding) time for everyone!
And, if you’re not ready or bold enough to share your desires with the world, looking for a bisexual partner online at numerous dating services will help you maintain some anonymity, ensuring that your fantasies and dramatization remain your own and private.
Even if you think your spouse isn’t interested in having a threesome, it’s always worth asking. As previously said, 95% of men and 87 percent of women have dreamed about having a threesome, so you’re in good shape. Have fun finding unicorns!